마음은 어지간히 바쁘다.
스스로가 참으로 게으른 사람임을 계속 확인하고 있다.
굳이 냉정하게 생각해보지 않아도 이럴때가 아니다.
그러나 곧 잠은 자야하겠고
주말엔 동물원에 갈꺼다 추워지기 전에
마음은 어지간히 바쁘다.
스스로가 참으로 게으른 사람임을 계속 확인하고 있다.
굳이 냉정하게 생각해보지 않아도 이럴때가 아니다.
그러나 곧 잠은 자야하겠고
주말엔 동물원에 갈꺼다 추워지기 전에
Job seeking in my own agenda was started, so I begin to update web page as the first material to be prepared. It’s been a long time since I got the second job around 2002 – the year of Korea Japan World Cup. Job seeking process seems to be quite different with what was done last time. Anxious. Lots of job posting are announced in channels, but not sure which ones are for myself. I’m not that ambitious. I just need to know one place, which really needs me.
I am sorry to say like this, but “Textcube” didn’t work for me, so I moved to “WordPress”. What I wanted to do was to create some static pages and edit them occasionally. I believe there must be a way (or ways) to do with Textcube, which I failed to get. With WordPress, it was quite straight forward job, because it has standard menu for pages. That was all I needed.
Secondly, I like this current theme – the first entry of 1-column themes searched by ‘best wordpress theme’
곰국을 뒤집으면
오늘 2페이지짜리 Extended Abstract를 쓰기 시작하면서 이게 뭘까 찾아보았다.
중간 부분을 보면 이런 것이 있는데
An extended abstract is not simply a long abstract.
An extended abstract should contain references, comparisons
to related work, proofs of key theorems
and other details expected in a
research paper but not in an abstract.An extended abstract is a research paper whose
ideas and significance can be understood
in less than an hour.
Writing an extended abstract can be
more demanding than writing
a research paper.Some things that can be omitted from an extended
abstract: future work, details of proofs or implementation
that should seem plausible to reviewers,
ramifications not relevant to the key ideas of the abstract.
문제는 이런게 뭔지도 모르고 쓰기 시작했다는 거로구나
그냥 길게 쓰는게 아니고, 참고문헌, 관련일, 핵심되는 정리의 증명등과 같이 연구논문에 필요한 것들이 들어가야된다. 읽는 사람이 한시간안에 이해할 수 있도록 아이디어와 의미를 정리해야한다. 추후에 할 내용이라던지 자세한 증명, 구현, 세분화 같은 것은 적당하지 않다.
자 이제 Extended Abstract가 뭔지 알았으니 계속 써 보자..