Tobymac – Portable Sounds 앨범 중에서 마음에 드는 노래가 Face of the Earth.
그 중에 한 소절을 꼽는다면, Real friends are willing to intrude
노래의 주인도 그렇다는 인터뷰 기사를 읽었다..
Air 1: The song “Face of the Earth” is really touching
because you’re talking about a real friendship—a friend you can go to
and tell them anything.
tobyMac: One of my favorite lines on the record [Portable
Sounds] is a quite simple line, but it has a nugget of truth: Real
friends are willing to intrude. I face that so much in my life right
now. If you have a friend who’s really going through the most difficult
time or they’re stumbling in some area over and over again, you want to
love them. But loving them doesn’t always mean support. Occasionally,
it means stepping in and intruding and stopping them. That’s something
I’ve been learning in my adult life.